IT News

New California Self-Driving Regulations

sijak 2024. 11. 11. 03:14

New California Regulations for Self-Driving Cars: What You Need to Know

California has introduced stricter rules for autonomous vehicles (AVs). The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requires detailed reports from companies operating self-driving vehicles. This includes not just accidents but also non-collision events like when an AV gets stuck or violates traffic rules. The move follows increased scrutiny after incidents like the Cruise robotaxi accident in 2023, where a self-driving vehicle harmed a pedestrian.

Matthew Baker, a CPUC commissioner, emphasized these regulations aim to improve passenger safety. Companies like Waymo and Cruise are seeing more oversight, with legal frameworks being developed for future autonomous operations, including trucks. This is all part of California's efforts to refine regulations aligned with the DMV’s standards for vehicle operation.

If you're in California or interested in AV technology, expect more news as these frameworks evolve!

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